My Side of the Story

Presented by: Marie Stroup

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


This is a literature-appreciation lesson plan that will take place over 5 class sessions, preferably in one week. The teacher will read a "fractured fairy tale" to the class and the students will write their own "fractured fairy tale". This class will be collaboratively taught with the 5th grade classroom teacher as part of the "writer's workshop".

Goals & Objectives:

Instructional Goals:

  1. Students will be able to identify key parts of stories.
  2. Students will be able to write a fairy tale.
  3. Students will able to stand up in front of the class and read a story they have written.
  4. Students will use a computer to find information.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Students will write down the parts of the story they would like to change (key characters, setting, point of view, ending, etc).
  2. Students will write a unique story in the style of a fairy tale, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
  3. Students will read their own stories aloud to the class.
  4. Students will use the Internet to learn about the elements of fairy tales.

Motivational Goals:

  1. Students will become confident in their abilities to identify key parts of stories.
  2. Students will become confident in their abilities to be creative and have fun.
  3. Students will become confident in their abilities to speak publicly.
  4. Students will become confident in their abilities to conduct research on the Internet.


Computers with Internet access

The book The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka

Blackboard or whiteboard

Computer with projector

An assortment of fairy tale books.



(day 1):

  1. The LMS will explain that the students will be learning about fairy tales and will be writing their own versions of fairy tales. (Lecture)
  2. The LMS will read the traditional story of the Three Little Pigs to the class OR show a video reading of the story found on the Internet or educational video database such as (Storytelling/Computer with Internet and projector.  


(day 1 continued):

  1. The LMS will explain that the students will research the main elements of a fairy tale to determine if there are any additional criteria required to make a story into a fairy tale. They will use the Internet to find web sites that discuss parts of fairy tales. Using those websites the students will write down the elements of fairy tales as well as find a definition of a fairy tale. (Lecture)
  2. Using their research, the class will discuss the parts of a fairy tale, writing the elements on a whiteboard. (Discussion/Brainstorming/Whiteboard) 

(day 2 & homework):

  1. The LMS will read to the students the story The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka. (Story Time/The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka.)
  2. The LMS will lead a classroom discussion on the differences between this version of the story and the traditional version, writing key points on the whiteboard. (Brainstorming/Whiteboard)
  3. The LMS and teacher will provide an assortment of library books and websites that contain links to fairy tales. The students are to pick one fairy tale to work with. Students are to read the fairy tale for homework. (Student choice of topic)
  4. The students will be given a handout that will help guide them through the process of creating the stories. The students will write the elements of a fairy tale on it. The handout will have places for them to compare the original fairy tale with their notes for their version of the fairy tale. (Fairy Tale Worksheet)
  5. The students will fill out the handout as homework. (Handout/student writing)

(day 3 & homework if necessary):

  1. The teacher will work with the students during their writing workshop time. (Lecture)
  2. The students will use their notes from their handouts to write their own fractured fairy tale, based on the fairy tale they have chosen. (Student writing)


(days 4 & 5):

  1. The students will read their stories to the class. (Public speaking/reading)
  2. After each student has read his/her story, the class will identify which elements of the fairy tale the student had changed. (Discussion)
  3. The LMS will provide a list of web sites that relate to reading and writing fractured fairy tales.  This is for students to continue researching and writing their own, stories if they wish. (Handout/Opportunity to continue learning about fairy tales) (This is not a required part of the lesson).


1. Students are able to correctly identify key elements of a story, including choosing appropriate elements to change in order to create a unique alternate version of a known fairy tale.

2. Creation of an original story.

3. Presentation of story.

4. Student's participation and ability to navigate to the appropriate websites and find the required information.

Supporting Files:
