Energy Alternatives!
Presented by: Natalie Panshin
Subject Area(s):
- K-12: Science
- K-12: Language Arts
Grade Level(s):
Fifth graders will research different kinds of alternative energy sources. After some initial independent research, students will work in groups of 3-4 on researching one kind of alternative energy. Final projects will be posters and displays that the students will present at an "energy fair" in the school gym.
Goals & Objectives:
Instructional Goals:
Students will
- access information from online sources effectively and efficiently.
- extract information from sources and pose questions of further interest.
- synthesize information.
- present arguments for why their type of alternative energy should be used.
- make effective presentations.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to
- perform a successful search on the online encyclopedia and three selected websites.
- locate the information needed from the online encyclopedia and websites to fill in their worksheets.
- come up with four additional questions that they have on their topic.
- come up with at least three reasons why their type of alternative energy should be used.
- work in teams to create a poster and presentation about their topic, using their worksheet as the basis.
- present information both orally and in a poster format.
Motivational Goals:
- To increase students’ confidence in their researching abilities.
- To raise students’ excitement about the research process.
- To encourage students’ desire and confidence in being able to disseminate and present information.
See attached lesson plan in Supporting Files
Feedback Form [see Supporting Files]
Alternative Energy Worksheet [see Supporting Files]
See attached lesson plan in Supporting Files
See attached lesson plan in Supporting Files
Supporting Files:
- panshinworksheet.doc
Alternative Energy Worksheet
- panshinwspart2.doc
Research Process Feedback Form
- Energy_Alternatives.doc
Complete Lesson Plan
National Information Literacy Standards (K-12)
Accesses information efficiently and effectively.
Formulates questions based on information needs.
Develops and uses successful strategies for locating information.
Evaluates information critically and competently.
Selects information appropriate to the problem or question at hand.
Strives for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation.
Assesses the quality of the process and products of personal information seeking.
Participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information.
Collaborates with others, both in person and through technologies, to identify information problems and to seek their solutions.
Information Skills and Subskills (K-16)
Identifies requirements of research task
Considers potential topics
Creates a general framework for organizing information found
Explores range of information resources
Locates relevant information within selected sources
Identifies and extracts relevant information from selected sources
Filters out irrelevant information
Summarizes/synthesizes/classifies final information
Organizes final information for presentation
Presents results
Evaluates end product
- Subject: K-12: Language Arts
National Content Standards (K-12)
Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts
Listening and Speaking
Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes
- Subject: K-12: Science
Physical Sciences
Understands the sources and properties of energy
Nature of Science
Understands the nature of scientific knowledge