Read Anything Good Lately?

Presented by: April Myers

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


The goal of this lesson plan is to motivate 2nd grade readers to share knowledge and opinions about books they have read and encourage them to sample new books and authors. Students will be able to give pertinent information about a book they have read. They will utilize a planning worksheet to script a booktalk, and technology to record and access a podcast of the booktalk. Finally, students will complete a self evaluation to assess their own performance.



Day 1- Media Center (Launching)

Direct Instruction:


Sharing and Reflecting:


Day 2 – Classroom (Teacher models, students make book selection)

Direct Instruction:


Modeling and Guided Practice:


Independent Practice:


Day 3 – Media Center (What is a Podcast?)

Direct Instruction


Modeling and Guided Practice:


Day 4 – Media Center (Planning)

Direct Instruction


Modeling and Guided Practice


Independent Practice


Day 5 – Media Center (Checklist and Practice)

Direct Instruction


Modeling and Guided Practice


Independent Practice


Day 6 – Media Center (Record Booktalks)

Direct Instruction


Independent Practice


Day 7 – Media Center (Listen to Booktalks)

Sharing and Reflecting

(See SM3_ReadAnythingGood)

(See SM4_ReadAnythingGood)

Supporting Files:
