There are dinosaur eggs hatching in the library! Second grade students are asked to find information on dinosaurs through a WebQuest. The challenge is that there are dinosaur eggs about to hatch in the library and they must find information about how that dinosaur lived. Students will locate this information through links in the WebQuest and through books provided in the library. With this information they will complete a worksheet, draw a picture, and make a presentation to the class on their dinosaur.
Please note: To use the WebQuest it must be opened in a browser.
Note: This is a series of lessons that span 7 sessions.
Instructional Goals: Students will be able to use a variety of resources in the library. Students will learn about how dinosaurs lived.
Learning Objectives: Second grade students will be able to retrieve from the Dinosaur Egg WebQuest two worksheets and find a book on their assigned dinosaur. They will be able to extract information about their dinosaur from these resources and complete a worksheet. Students will then draw a picture, and make a presentation to the class on their dinosaur.
Motivational Goals: Students will develop an interest in the research process through guided access to information. Students will be motivated to continue exploration of how dinosaurs lived.
Dinosaur Egg WebQuest, Glossary, worksheet, book ?€“ my visit to the Dinosaurs by Aliki, box, and plastic eggs.
WebQuest Template from FuturePD 2000
Day 1 "In library". out Glossary and go over the words on it.
-Access prior knowledge by asking students what they know about dinosaurs. i.e. What is a dinosaur? Do we see dinosaurs today? Why not? What are some names of dinosaurs?
-After discussion of dinosaurs read my visit to the Dinosaurs by Aliki.
-Discuss new information about dinosaurs that students discovered listening to the book.
Day 2 "In library."
-Explain WebQuest.
-Send pairs to the computers.
-Students open WebQuest.
-Librarian reads through WebQuest as students follow along.
-Classroom teacher will pair students for projects.
-Have pairs pick egg which has the name of a dinosaur in it.
-Students will print out fact sheets and worksheets.
-Librarian and classroom teacher will circulate among students and offer assistance as needed.
-Remind students that they will need to fill out their worksheets from the information they find in their dinosaur fact sheets and a book from their room. That they will have to take that information to draw a picture, and make a presentation to the class about their dinosaur.
-Hand-out folders to keep papers together. Tell students that at the end of each session they will give folder to their teacher.
Day 3 "In Library"
-Review what students did the previous day.
-Show students books on dinosaurs. Review table of contents, glossary, and index of books and how it can help students find information they are looking for.
-Answer questions about books
-Give students time to select book for their project.
-Check out books.
Day 4 "In classroom"
-Students will complete worksheet using fact sheets and book.
Day 5 "In classroom"
-finish up fact sheets if needed
-draw picture.
Day 6 "In classroom"
-Finish-up any work that is needed.
-Plan presentation.
Day 7 "In library"
-Student pairs will give short oral presentation of their dinosaur.
- Students will be assessed by how many questions they answer on the worksheet.
- Their presentations will be assessed by how much information on their worksheets they use in their presentation and the completeness of their pictures.
- Observation will be used to assess how students follow the WebQuest and access materials to answer their questions.
- Students will also be observed to determine how cooperatively they work with their partner.
- Motivational goals will be assessed by observing a continued interest in finding information on dinosaurs. This can be seen through students checking out materials on dinosaurs from the library.
National Information Literacy Standards (K-12)
Accesses information efficiently and effectively.
Evaluates information critically and competently.
Uses information accurately and creatively
Appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information.
Recognizes the importance of information to a democratic society.
Participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information.
Information Skills and Subskills (K-16)
National Content Standards (K-12)
Life Sciences
Nature of Science