This buILder is divided into 2 tasks. Both tasks require you to use one blank map of the United States. This map will be handed in (with your name at the top) and will be graded by your teacher for accuracy. You can either print one from this site (click on the "Print this map" button on the left side of the map page) or if printing is unavailable from your computer, your teacher will provide you with a map.
For the 1st Task, you must use an on-line atlas. The 2nd Task requires you to use a printed atlas, available in your school library. For both tasks, you will be asked to determine the location of various cities and towns in the United States using the appropriate atlas. Once you have found the place, you must then indicate (with a dot) and properly label the location on your blank US map. Accuracy is important so take your time!
There is a BONUS 3rd task that is not required, but will earn you 5 bonus points should be correct. Your answer to the Bonus Task should be written on the back of your map.