This lesson is intended to teach 4th graders to use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) specific to a school (but could be modified to use in other schools/with other grade levels).
Goals & Objectives:
Students will be able to use the OPAC to search for a book by title, author, subject and keyword. They will learn to distinguish when to use the different types of searches and how to interpret the results of a search. Each student will successfully find a book on the shelf after searching for it in the OPAC.
Materials & Sources:
pencils, worksheet, LCD projector, computer, OPAC access, projection screen
1. Motivational Catch: Have you ever wanted to find a certain book, but you couldn't remember the title or author? Would you like to learn how to use the computer to find the book?
2. Demonstration (Ask questions & have student volunteers walk class through the following steps. Where students don't know the answer, demonstrate step for them.):
*How do I get to the internet from a computer?
*Where do I type a Web address? (Once found, type OPAC address.)
*Where do I find Frazer School?
4. Modeling (Walk students through process of title, author, subject and keyword searching, explaining rationale and results for each search.):
*Title search (type in a book title popular with the age group).
*Author search (poll audience for an author to search).
*Subject search (choose a popular subject).
*Keyword search (use one word from a popular book title).
5. Result Review (Discuss with students the following features of results.):
*Call Number
6. Hand out worksheets. Review proceedures and check for understanding.
7. Divide up (2 per computer) to complete worksheet practicing use of OPAC.
1. Direct observation of students completing worksheet.
2. Grade worksheets.
3. Student success in finding a book searched in the OPAC.