on the top section of the editing tool
which will allow you to upload an image stored on your computer
- Type in an image description. This is helpful, for example, for people who use speech browsers
- If you want to add space around your image to avoid crowding it with text, click on the appearance button. In this window, you can set the space around your image in pixels, align it, or re-size it.
Editing Images
- Double click on the image you wish to edit
- When you double click on the image, lines with little boxes will appear on the perimeter of the image
- If you drag your mouse to the line, the mouse arrow should turn into a different shape
- Drag the picture in whichever direction you want until it is the size you desire
Note: If your page takes a long time to load after you insert an image, the image is probably too large (not the appearance of the image, but the size in megabytes/kilobytes). There is certain software available to reduce to the size of the image. If you do not have that software, remove the image and replace it with a smaller one.
A great source for links to copyright-friendly images and multimedia for use on your buILder is http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/cfimages.html