Meet S. E. Hinton...
Information Task
Notes For Educators


Since this was an optional assignment, your results will not be graded! I bet that feels good! As a matter of fact, I am asking
YOU to grade this activity! At the bottom of the handout, you will see the first six areas of this lesson listed. (See the left side of this screen, where it reads, "Home, Introduction, Information Task", etc.)  Reflect back to how you were feeling during each specific section and draw how you felt at that time, next to that box.
For instance, next to the word "Home", draw a face that shows me how you felt when you were viewing the homepage with the witch stirring her brew. Think about these options:
Frown  - Sad               
Undecided  - Undecided
Smile  - Happy
Laughing  - Laughing
You can write your own words, if you like. I am interested in knowing how you felt about this lesson each step of the way. Your honesty is appreciated, because I would like to make it the best I can for the students next year!
Statue of Anne Frank


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