Meet S. E. Hinton...
Information Task
Notes For Educators
This buILder lesson was created to be an extra optional activity
for 8th grade students who participated in a unit which was based on the book, The Outsiders. This unit called, "Inside The Outsiders", can be found in the S.O.S for Information Literacy Lesson Plan section under that title. After participating in the unit, students were given the opportunity to learn about the author, as well as try out a "new" technology - based learning activity. Students motivated to do so were asked to move through this activity and provide feedback to me, by completing a handout. I also wanted have a one-on-one informal discussion with them at that time. I would use their input to modify this activity and make it a required part of the unit for next year.
While under construction, I decided to use photos related to other famous authors, hoping that this would also expose students to serendipitous discovery!


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