Water Works
A look a the water cycle
Information Task
Student Resources and additional Information
Teacher Resources and additional Information



Depending on your objective students can be assessed in a number of ways. Below are a few examples:

  • Use of rubrics and checklists
  • Group discussions
  • Listening to student presentations
  • Work samples
  • Student conferences
  • Student self-assessments
  • Rubrics for student exhibitions
  • Observations      

    Some Questions for Assessment and Conferencing

    • Precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, water vapour, and clouds. What role do they play in the water cycle?
    • How does water move across the landscape before it collects in watercourses (surface water)?
    • How does water move under the ground (groundwater)?
    • How does water move through creeks, rivers, lakes etc (watercourse water)?
    • What is the point where fresh water interacts with seawater (estuaries)?
    • What is the role of the oceans in the water cycle?

    Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.