Lesson Plan Tutorial
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Click the info buttonbutton to read why connecting standards may be beneficial for you.  
Note:  The addition of standards is optional.  They are not required in order to submit a lesson plan.  If you do not wish to add any standards, click to signify the section is complete.

Adding Standards
1.  Click on next to Standards
2.  4 different types of standards will appear
3.  Click on the info button next to each standard to learn more about it
4.  Click the next to the set of standards you would like to use
5.  A list of the standard categories will appear
6.  Click the next to the category you would like to use
7.  When you find the standard you wish to use, click add to add the standard to your lesson
8.  Repeat steps 1-7 to add additional standards
9.  Click  to signify the section is complete

Now that every section is complete, it is time to submit your lesson plan for review!

Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.