Stop Global Warming
Task Definition
Search Techniques

1. Boolean Searching

  • AND/+ used to combine two keywords to narrow your search
  • OR       used to widen a search if you have too few hits (or documents); used if a term has a synonym
  • NOT -   used to remove terms or concepts

2. Phrase Searching

  • Use double inverted commas or quotation marks  (".............")
  • For two or more words in a specific order
  • Assume that the words always appear in the same order

3. Document fields and types

  • Identify fields rather than the whole document e.g. title, URL, image tag, hypertext link
    • intitle:".............."
    • inurl:"..............."
  • Limit your searches to different format of documents
    • e.g. powerpoint; PDF; excel
    • ............filetype:ppt
    • .............filetype:pdf
    • link:...............

4. Truncation

  • Multiple ending of a word, known as stemming ; different search tools use different characters
    • e.g.  comput*  can have more than one possibilities such as:
      • computer
      • computers
      • computing
      • computation

5. Google advanced


6. Wildcard

  • For multiple spelling of a word
  • Use a symbol, usually * or ? to replace an internal letter
  • examples:
    • col?r
    • wom?n
    • privati?ation

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