Stop Global Warming
Task Definition

Evaluating a web page


1. Author/Publisher

  • Check the author's name
    • Is it stated clearly? 
    • Is the author credential?
    • Is he/she credible to write the content?
  • Check the organization that publishes the page
    • Is it well known?
    • Does it have clear contact address?
  • Remember, personal website may need more checks on the credential of the author
  • The about us usually tells us about the author, the publisher, and the vision-mission of the website

2. Domains

  • Every website has the definition of the domain check on it first
  • examples:
    • Education domain (edu or ac)
    • Government domain (gov or go)
    • Organization domain (org) 
  • Once again you have to check more on the about us

3. Currency & Accuracy

  • Is it up dated regularly?
  • A good website is updated regularly, and growing in contain 
    • Does the contain tend to persuade, to sell, or promote something?
    • Is it bias to a certain brand of commercial, or to express personal feeling with backup data?
    • Those kind of information may not besuitable for academic information resources

4. Links

  • Is the link from another reputable source or well known in the subject area? 
  • Are the resources used reliable like from scholarly journals?
  • Compare the contain and see whether they have contradictions or similarity

5. Credits


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