Create your biographical sketch
Using Microsoft Word you will type a one-page biographical sketch about the Civil War identity you have chosen. You will also insert a photograph of yourself in the document.
You must include at a minumum the following information:
Your imaginary name.
The side you support and your reasons why.
Your age.
Your role in the Civil War cause.
The city and state you are from.
A description of your home.
A description of your family.
A description of your upbringing and education.
A description of the most pressing concern in your life.
A description of the ways in which you fear the war will change your life.
You may also include any other information you think is relevant.
Your real name in the bottom right corner of the document.
Your biographical sketches will be graded according to the criteria outlined in the rubric located from the menu on the left. They will also be displayed in the Library Media Center for the duration of the Civil War unit.