A Day on the Civil War Battlefield
Project Task
Choose your Allegiance
Choose your Battle
Choose your Role
Find your photo
Create your bio sketch
Explore Civil War Letters


 Target (27 )  Acceptable (15 ) Unaccecptable (0) 
 Civil War identity possesses personal characteristics that are believable based on the time period. (2)  Civil War identity possesses some personal characteristics that are believable based on the time period. (1)  Civil Civil War identity possesses no personal characteristics that are believable based on the time period. (0)
Civil War identity is described by at least seven details. (2) Civil War identity is described by only four or five details (1)  Civil War identity is described by two or fewer details (0) 
 Biographical sketch includes at least one picture representing Civil War identity that closely matches described personal characteristics. (2) Biographical sketch includes at least one picture representing Civil War identity that somewhat matches described personal characteristics. (1)  Biographical sketch does not include a picture representing Civil War identity. (0) 
 Biographical sketch well organized and typewritten. (2) Biographical sketch has some organizational issues and typewritten. (1)   Biographical sketch unorganized and handwritten. (0)
 Biographical sketch contains proper language usage, with no grammar or spelling errors. (2) Biographical sketch contains one to four language, grammar or spelling errors. (1)  Biographical sketch contains more than four language, grammar, or spelling errors. (0) 
Civil War letter contains at least 3 accurate facts about the chosen battle. (3)  Civil War letter contains one or two accurate facts about the chosen battle. (2)  Civil War letter contains no accurate facts about the chosen battle. (0) 
 Civil War letter contains at least 3 accurate facts about the chosen role. (3) Civil War letter contains one or two accurate facts about the chosen role. (2)  Civil War letter contains no accurate facts about the chosen role. (0) 
 Civil War letter contains at least 3 accurate facts about some aspect of everyday life. (3)  Civil War letter contains one or two accurate facts about some aspect of everyday life. (2) Civil War letter contains no accurate facts about everyday life. (0) 
 Civil War letter is accompanied by at least one additional photograph referred to in letter. (2) Civil War letter is accompanied by at least one additional photograph that is not referred to in letter. (1) Civil War  letter is not accompanied by any additional photographs. (0)
 Civil War letter is neatly handwritten with visible effort made to make letter appear authentic. (2)  Civil War letter is neatly handwritten with no effort made to make letter appear authentic. (1) Civil War letter is sloppily handwritten. (0) 
 Photo analysis worksheet for at least 2 photographs containing substantial responses. (2) Photo analysis worksheet for at least 2 photographs containing responses. (1)   Photo analysis worksheet not included for any photographs. (0)
 Document analysis worksheet for at least 2 letters containing substantial responses. (2)  Document analysis worksheet for at least 2 letters containing responses. (1)  Document analysis worksheet not included for any letters. (0)

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