Information Treasure

First things first, let's see how to cite a book.  If you use a book to write a paper, you will cite it so others can find the treasure you've used.  Ya see, mates, when you write something and others read it and get excited about your topic, they might want to know more.  Ya need to give 'em directions to get to the treasures ya found and used in your research. 



Remember, only a scallywag would use information treasure without giving directions to others so they can find it, too.  Even pirates know better than that; it's the lowest kind of stealing.  I f you do it then you'll be the terriblist kind of scoundrel not fit to clean barnacles from the bottom of the ship.  So be warned before ye enter on this citation adventure!


How to cite a book:


1. Write down the author's name (Last name then the first name). Put a period at the end.

2. Write down the title of the book and underline it. Put a period at the end.

3. Write down the place where the book was published (found on the back of the title page) and follow it with a colon (it  looks like two dots on top of one another). 

4. Write down the name of the publishing company.  Put a comma at the end.

5.  Write down the copyright date (the most recent year that it was published within) and put a period at the end.


Here is a sample:



Frank, Anne.  The Diary of a Young Girl.  New York:Bantam Books, 1995. 


Now other people can get to this book if they want to.  Share the bounty, mates.  Yo, ho, ho! 


Your mission:  Find any two books in the Midlakes Middle School Library.  Write a citation for each by following the directions.  Write both neatly on your citation sheet.  If ya do them right then I will be able to find the books.  Don't forget any information or punctuation and remember to use correct spelling...good luck!







Learnin' the ropes
How to cite a book
How to cite an article from a database
How to cite an Internet site
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