Information Treasure

Let's say you use a database article to write a paper.  How do ya cite that information?  It's not so different.  Just follow these directions and you'll be ship-shape!




How to cite a database article: 

1.  Write down the name of the author (last name followed by the first name) and put a period at the end. 

2.  Write down the title of the article and put a period at the end.  Put quotation marks around the whole thing. 

3.  Write down the name of the magazine or journal that the article came from originally.  Underline it. 

4.  Write the date the magazine was published (might be the month, day and year, the month and year or only the year).  Put a colon (dots on top of each other) at the end. 

5. Write the page number (or numbers) and then put a period at the end. 

6. Write the name of the database and underline it. Put a period at the end. 

7.  Write down the name of the library where you got the information.  Put a comma and write down the town and state where the library is located and then put a period at the end. 8.  Write down the date that you found the article and put the URL of the article inside these brackets: <  >  .  Follow all of this with a period. 


Here's how it will look:


Glasner-Helead, Galia.  "Reader, Writer, and Holocaust Literature:The Case of Ka-Tzetnik."  Israel Studies 2007:109. Gale Group Databases Junior Edition K12.  Midlakes Middle School Library, Clifton Springs, NY.  October 10, 2007



Now its your turn mates!  Go to the Midlakes Middle School Library Databases and select the Gale Group Databases.  The password for access is "empirelink."  You can access any two articles you would like from any of the Gale Group Database selections.  Cite the articles.  Remember, pay attention to the directions, spelling and punctuation!  I want to be able to find yer treasures, mates!
















Learnin' the ropes
How to cite a book
How to cite an article from a database
How to cite an Internet site
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