Using the Periodical Locator
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Follow the steps below to determine if the library has the June 6, 1944 issue of the New York Times:


new york times cover page


  1. Click Periodical Locator (under Popular Services or in the Quick Links)
  2. Click the drop-down menu that says "Title begins with".  Notice that there are different ways you can search for a journal, magazine, or newspaper title.
  3. In the blank search box, enter the title of the periodical (in this case, the newspaper) you want to find.
  4. If more than one periodical is retrieved, be sure to find the one with the exact title you are looking for.
  5. Each line lists the dates the newspaper is available and where it is available. 
  6. List on your worksheet all the places where you can find the June 6, 1944 issue of the New York Times.

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