Animal Crackers
Project Task
Animal Fact Sheet
Animal Web Sites
Guess Who Animal Cracker Style


Project Task

You will be working with a buddy. Take a moment or two now to find a classmate who picked the same animal as you did. Found a buddy? Good. You will work with your buddy to find out information on your animal. We've found some great websites for you to use. You'll also have to get a great picture of your animal too.

You will use an animal fact sheet to help guide you with information that we want you to include.

Next, you'll type all of your information (including the picture you got of your animal) on the computer. Your teacher will help you print it out

You will present your information to your class ( of course everyone will have to sample the delicious animal cracker that matches your animal).

Finally, once all of the researched animals are presented, everyone gets to play a game called "Guess Who Animal Cracker Style" .

Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.