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This lesson is designed for students in middle school, Grades 6-8. I think it can be adapted for students in high school, and also could be used with students in grades 4-5 with the necessary support and perhaps different book selections for the modeling.


Very important: Model several different types of booktalks before asking students to "try it out" on their own with partners. They then give it a try by writing and practicing a booktalk with a partner, and everyone in the class uses one of two motivating books that students in this class know well. This will provide a scaffold and lessen anxiety. Students can see how creativity comes into play even when using the same books, and that booktalking allows for divergent responses. They can then try it out on their own, working independently to use the computer, Talk That Book  Information Literacy BuILder, as well as the Web resources provided on the buILder site. You will circulate and give support as needed. Once you approve students' booktalks, they can go home and practice, and you can schedule days to videotape their presentations. I think this is exciting because instead of students getting ideas through booktalks from the library teacher, they get ideas from one another. This also should help them to produce creative, thoughtful and thorough written responses to literature, because they have thought about the text so deeply. 


I hope you enjoy this buILder lesson and I would be very interested in your feedback and questions. My email address is or Enjoy!




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