Booktalking Avi's Books
Booktalk vs. Book Review
Elements of a Booktalk
Booktalk Formats
Booktalk Worksheet

Booktalk vs. Book Review


What is a booktalk?

Think about the Avi book that you read. Imagine that it is being made into a movie. What would the movie trailer look like?

Well, a booktalk is essentially a trailer for your book. You want to make your audience want to go out and read your book immediately. You provide just enough information about the characters and settings but NEVER the ending of the book.


What is a book review?

The person writing a book review may not necessarily recommend that the audience read the book. A summary of the plot is usually included but not necessary. A review is the reviewer's opinion about the book.


Main Difference 

If someone is booktalking a book, they are recommending the book. This isn't always true of a book review.

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