Booktalking Avi's Books
Booktalk vs. Book Review
Elements of a Booktalk
Booktalk Formats
Booktalk Worksheet

Books Elements of a Booktalk books


What belongs in a booktalk?grand canyon

  • Title of the book
  • Author of the book
    • in this case it should be Avi
  • Main Characters
  • Setting
  • One interesting part about the book 
    • your favorite part, or
    • something that hints at a mystery, or
    • any passage in the book that seems enticing
  • Cliffhanger
    • leave your audience wanting to learn more
  • A copy of the book

Some things that you might consider to help make your booktalk more interesting:

  •  Props
  • Sound or music       
  • Graphics
  • Costume(s)
  • Keep it short
  • Enthusiasm
  • Voice Modulation

 What doesn't belong in a booktalk?stop sign

  • Don't give away the ending of the book
    • remember you want to persuade your fellow students that they should read your book
  • Negativity
    • remember you are recommending the book so don't be negative
  • Too many details
    • you want to provide enough information but not so much that your fellow students don't need to read the book


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