Booktalking Avi's Books
Booktalk vs. Book Review
Elements of a Booktalk
Booktalk Formats
Booktalk Worksheet

Video and Digital Booktalks

Listed below are links to some websites that offer software that is available for you to use if you are creating a video or digital booktalk. These websites can be helpful in answering any technical questions you may have once you start creating your video or digital booktalk.


  • iMovie is a MAC based product. With this software, you will be able to edit your video files and easily upload them to the library website.


Microsoft PhotoStory

  • Microsoft PhotoStory is a Windows based product. It has a slightly different take on making videos because you use photos instead of a video. You blend the photos together, add music, add narration, and add captions to the photos.


If you want to use your own software to make a digital or video booktalk, then make sure that the software is compatible with school computers.


Have Fun!

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