The 7 Human Body Systems: The Nervous, Circulatory, Respiratory, Excretory, Digestive, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems
The Project
Evaluating Resources
Creating a Glog
Step Five:Citation Maker
Body Systems Video Resources
Copy Right Free Sources
Student Rubric

Now that you have been assigned a body system to research you and your partner will be required to find answers to the research questions that are listed below. A handout of the research questions has also been provided and can be accessed by clicking on " Body Systems Research Questions".  Be sure to record all of your questions, answers and sources on the note-taking sheet that can be accessed by clicking on "Body Systems Note-Taking Work Sheet". You will need to print out multiple copies of the note-taking work sheet (1 sheet/research question). If you would like to add any additional information, facts, or interesting tidbits feel free. After all it is your research project.




Once you are finished with this page go to the tab"Evaluating Resources". This will provide you with the resource requirements for your project.


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