Create a "Kid Kit!"

Your sister has just called you in a panic.  She has to be at an all-day conference tomorrow that is located an hour away, and her scheduled babysitter is sick with 102.2 temperature.  Luckily, it is winter break and school is not in session.  Your sister asks you to babysit and being the good brother or sister that you are, you agree to watch your school-aged nephew or niece.  There is just one problem-You have no experience with childcare!
During this project you will perform research using both print and electronic resources on a variety of topics regarding children and childcare.  Your research will be used to compile a "Kid Kit."  Once the assignment is over, you will have a toolbox of information about children and babysitting that you can continue to add to in the future. 
The approximate time frame to complete this project is 1-4 weeks.  However, the exact amount of time you will have to complete this project will depend upon your teacher's specific instructions.
To get started, please read the two articles, "Child-Safety Tips" and "Babysitting Basics" found in the Introduction "Articles" section.
Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
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