Create a "Kid Kit!"

  1. Write your name and period number on the front of the manila folder provided to you by your instructor.
  2. Choose the age (3-12 years) and sex of the child that you will be "babysitting" and write it on your manila folder under your name and period number. 
  3. Read the articles titled, "Child-Safety Tips" and "Babysitting Basics" found under the Introduction "Articles" tab.
  4. Type a list of relevant questions to ask the parents before taking on the responsibility of watching their child.  You might ask questions about emergency contacts, allergies, favorite foods, etc. Your teacher does not expect answers to these questions. 
  5. Complete "Activity #1."
  6. Complete "Activity #2."
  7. Complete "Activity #3."
  8. Prepare an MLA-style bibliography of the sources that were used to complete this assignment. (You should have at least 6-8).
  9. Place all five components of your "Kid Kit" in your manila folder and turn it into your instructor on the designated due date.  Your final product should include: 1. list of questions for parents 2. 5+ activities 3. one-day meal plan and accompanying recipes 4. response to dilemma 5. MLA-style bibliography.


 Let's get started!


Animated mouse on wheel

Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
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