Create a "Kid Kit!"

Cartoon girl with broken arm                                     Activity#3                                   Boy saying                                                                                                         

Your teacher has assigned you a dilemma, # 1-10.  Read your assigned dilemma carefully.  Perform research on the web to help you find a solution to the dilemma.  Once you feel knowledgeable, type a 200-300 word response that describes how you would handle the situation.  You may use bullet points if you choose.  Remember to cite your sources when necessary!

Dilemma #1: Ralphy is watching a movie and appearing 100% engaged for the first time in hours.  You decide to make a quick escape to the bathroom.  When you return from what seems like a 2-minute trip, you find that Ralphy has raided the art supply cupboard and has painted a mosaic on the living room floor, which happens to be carpeted in white.  You do not want to scold Ralphy because he is just a child, but you are very, very, angry.  How do you handle this situation?

Dilemma #2: A child from the neighborhood knocks on the door and asks if Tina can come out and play.  You tell Tina that now is not a good time because dinner is almost ready.  You watch Tina say goodbye to the neighbor and then proceed into the kitchen to finish making dinner.  When you call Tina for dinner she does not answer.  You quickly realize that she is nowhere in the house. You come to the conclusion that she is with the neighbor who just invited her out.  You have no idea what the neighbor's name is or which house she lives in.  How do you handle this situation?

Dilemma #3: Micky loves to play outside.  One of his favorite activities is roller-blading.  Micky is a rebellious child and takes pride in showing off some "sweet tricks" to you and some neighborhood friends. Before you know it, he is on the ground screaming in pain holding his arm. You ask him if he can move it and he attempts, but fails.  How do you handle this situation?

Dilemma #4: Sadie loves to swim, but despite hours of swimming lessons, she is not very good at swimming.  You were given strict instructions by Sadie's parents not to let her go swimming while they are out.  You and Sadie are playing tag.  Before you know it, Sadie screams "You can't get me!" and jumps into the pool. As she comes up for air, you realize that she is struggling. How do you handle this situation? 

Dilemma #5: You received permission to take Kaly to the mall to look at the new doll that she wants. You make sure to hold Kaly's hand so that she does not get lost.  It is the Christmas season and the mall is extremely crowded.  You and Kaly stop to go to the bathroom.  Though you clearly explain to her to wait for you when she is done, she does not listen. When you walk out, you realize that she is gone.  How do you handle this situation?

Dilemma #6: You are watching Marky play catch with a neighborhood friend.  Before you know it, Marky is in front of you crying because the ball has hit him in the face.  While his injuries do not appear to be life-threatening, he has a severe bloody nose.  How do you handle the situation?

Dilemma #7: Emma's bedtime is at 8:00 sharp. When 8:00 comes around, Emma is in the middle of one of her favorite cartoons. When you tell her that it is time for bed, she starts screaming and crying at the stop of her lungs saying that she doesn't have to listen to you.  Emma's parents are very strict about this bedtime rule and you know that they will be home soon.  How do you handle this situation?

Dilemma #8: Kyle loves to watch ninja cartoons. You are watching ninja cartoons with Kyle and his friend Mikey when all of a sudden the two boys decide to have their own "ninja fight." At first, you don't do anything because the two are only "pretend" hitting each other.  However, the situation quickly gets out of hand and Kyle kicks Mikey hard in the leg.  Mikey starts crying and threatens to tell his mother.  This is your first time babysitting Kyle, and you don't want rumors to start that the new babysitter stood by and watched the two boys fight.  How do you handle this situation?

Dilemma #9: You are watching 3-year old Jenny for the first time.  The two of you are playing house and using the real cordless phone as a play phone (You did not see any harm in it).  Everything is going well until Jenny's doll falls out of her stroller and gets hurt.  Jenny picks up the REAL phone and dials 911.  You panic and grab the phone from her, but the call has already been made.  How do you handle the situation with both the officials and with Jenny? 

Dilemma #10: While you are watching 3-year old Jimmy, he manages to take one too many Flintstones vitamins. Though you have been paying close attention to him the whole time, he has somehow managed to sneak them all night.  You realize that Jimmy is turning more orange by the minute.  How do you handle this situation?

Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
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