Create a "Kid Kit!"
You will be evaluated for this assignment based on the rubric provided below.

Create a "Kid Kit" Lesson Rubric (60)
 Target(10) Acceptable(5) Unacceptable(0)
Demonstrates an ability to find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions. (1.1.4) Student completes activities 1 & 2, with in-depth responses and uses at least 6 print and electronic sources. (10)
Student completes activities 1 & 2 but responses lack depth or use of 6+ sources. (5)Student does not complete activities and does not locate relevant sources. (0)
Demonstrates  mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry. (1.1.8)
Student successfully uses the BuILder tool to complete the lesson. (10)
Student successfully uses the BuILder tool to complete the lesson. (10) Student does not complete the lesson. (0)
Demonstrates the ability to use valid information and reasoned conclusions to make ethical decisions. (2.3.3) Student responds appropriately to dilemma by blending research and reason. (10)  Student responds appropriately to dilemma, but fails to incorporate research. (5)
Student does not respond to the dilemma. (0)
Demonstrates an ability to communicate new understandings effectively in written form. (3.1.3.)
Student develops a final product that is free of grammatical and spelling errors. (10)
Student develops a final product that contains 1 spelling or grammatical error. (5)
Student develops a final product that contains 1+ spelling or grammatical errors. (0)
Product demonstrates creativity. (1.2.3) Product demonstrates creativity. (10)Product demonstrates creativity. (10)
Product does not demonstrate creativity. (0)
Overall quality of final product
Creates a final product that demonstrates organization, knowledge in subject area, and creativity.  Work is typed and no parts are missing. (10) Creates a final product that contains all parts, but lacks organization. (5)Does not create a final product. (0).
Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
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