Create a "Kid Kit!"

Activity #2

Animated Cartoon Banana



For this activity you will research children's nutrition.  Some resources to get you started have been provided for you under the Activity #2 "Resources" tab.  It is, however, asked that you find and use at least one additional print resource for this part of the assignment.

Once you feel confident in your knowledge about children's nutrition, you will create a one-day meal plan for a child.  The meal plan should include three meals and snacks, along with accompanying recipes if necessary (you would not need to include the recipe for grapes or berries).  Use the handouts found under the Activity #2 "Handouts" tab to create your one-day meal plan for a child.  It is important to take the child's nutrition into consideration, but keep in mind that a small sweet treat every now and then is not going to hurt. Wink



Food Pyramid

Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
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