Fight For The Right ...... The Women's Suffrage Movement
Information Task
The History
Student Resources and additional Information
Teacher Resources and additional Information

Information Task  


You will be learning about the great women of the suffrage movement as you construct an essay.  During your reseach you will find out what the role and contribution of your suffragist was during the movement.  At the completion of this unit of study you will be able to:


              Describe events that inspired the women's suffrage movement

              Describe events that led to the passing of the 19th Amendment

              Understand the effects of the women's suffrage movement on today's society



  • You will choose the name of a suffragist that you will research (see student resources)


  • You will complete the "K" and "W" of the "KWL" Chart before you begin your research. As you fill in the KWL Chart ask yourself "what do I know about voting rights for women and what do I want to know?


Now that you have completed the "K" and the "W" of the KWL Chart, before going any further click on the button on the menu that says "History" to learn all about the women's suffrage movement. (← you may start here, but don't forget to go to history for more great information!!!)


  • You will need information from a least two sources; print and electronic (see student resources)


  • As you complete the writing portion of this assignment the "5W's and an H" worksheet can be used to help you organize your information.


  • Remember to write what you learn in your own words. Click here for an example of what your completed essay should look like.


  • Once you have completed the research information you will work within your group to apply the writer's checklist.


  • When completed you will submit the published copy to the teacher along with the writer's checklist and await approval (the return of the checklist with comments).


  • Once complete please move forward to the conclusion of this unit; the PowerPoint presentation.

Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.