Fight For The Right ...... The Women's Suffrage Movement
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Abolish: To put an end to.

Adoption: (1) To legally bring in one's family: We adopted a baby. (2a) To accept: adopt a suggestion. (2b) To approve officially: In 1920, the government adopted the 19th Amendment.


Amendment: A legal change or addition to a law or body of laws

Ballot: (1) The piece of paper used to vote. (2) The act of voting.

Citizen: A person who is loyal to a given country and has the protection of that country.

Citizenship: Having the duties, rights, and privileges of being a citizen of a country

Controversial: Producing an argument or debate.

Enfranchise: To give the rights of citizenship to a person or group of people, especially to give that group the right to vote.

Federal: Belonging to the central government of a country as opposed to the local government of a city or state.

Militant: (1) Fighting or making war. (2) Aggressive or combative.

Municipal: Belonging to a city or town.

Petition: (1) An appeal, especially to a person or group in authority. (2) A written document formally requesting a right or benefit from an authority or government.

Picket: A person or group of people standing outside a building to protest.

Ratification: To approve and make valid.

Suffrage: (1) The right to vote. (2) The act of voting.


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