Fight For The Right ...... The Women's Suffrage Movement
Information Task
The History
Student Resources and additional Information
Teacher Resources and additional Information

Great you made it!!!!Smile


PowerPoint Presentation


     Now that you have completed the components of the information task:

  • you have reviewed your work,
  • your partner(s) has/have reviewed your work,
  • your teacher has reviewed your work, and
  • you have published your work

 you are ready to proceed to your final destination.



Here's where the real fun begins!!!!



     You will be creating a PowerPoint Presentaion to show what you have learned.

Please feel free to use notes from previous PowerPoint instruction sessions.

Addditional PowerPoint resources can be found by clicking hereAs you plan your

layout these PowerPoint storyboards might be useful (click here).




     For an example of what your PowerPoint presentation might look like click on

the links below:


Sample presentation 1 


Sample presentation 2





Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.