Fight For The Right ...... The Women's Suffrage Movement
Information Task
The History
Student Resources and additional Information
Teacher Resources and additional Information

PowerPoint Evaluation

     The conclusion of this unit of study should yield a completed PowerPoint presentation of a Suffragist. Your PowerPoint presentation will be evaluated on the following criteria:


  • Title page with an image of the woman you have written about
  • Who: Who was she? 
  • What: What role did this woman play in the movement?
  • When: When did this take place?
  • Where: Where did this take place?
  • Why : Why did this take place?
  • How: How did this take place? What were some of the activities that took place during this fight for change?
  • Summary: Provide closure to your presentation
  • Your thoughts: Now that you have learned all about this struggle, brielfly explain your thoughts about the movement. 
  • Refernces: The last page should include the electronic and print reference used. For example click here.
  • Your presentation should be 8-15 slides in lenght.
Your presentation must meet the above mentioned criteria, however you are free to add 
additional information. Creativity is encouraged!!Cool
Please  click here for a printable version of this evaluation.
5 points will be deducted for each missing element

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