Fight For The Right ...... The Women's Suffrage Movement
Information Task
The History
Student Resources and additional Information
Teacher Resources and additional Information

 You have learned a lot! Now lets have some fun with your new knowledge!




Print out the fact sheet
  1. Click on the map below and you will be transported to a new page.
  2. Once there click on each continent and then each country to find out when woman won the right to vote and write that date on your fact sheet.

The Wold Map


Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool



Check this out!!!!!! Here's a great way to share with family and friends some of the things you have learned. You can send greeting cards inspired by the past!!!! Click here




Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool                Cool





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Show What You Know! (click here Q1) 




                                                   Show what you know! (click here Q2)

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