Meet Uma Krishnaswami!(Version for schools with access to CultureGrams database)
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Clue #1
Clue #2
Clue #3
Clue #4
Clue #5
Clue #6
Clue #7
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For Educators: Detective Sheet Download and Important Notes
 Magnifying Glass and WorldClue #3:

   The Move: In 1979, Uma moved to the country in which you live. She still lives here, in the country called the _________  ________ .
If you have a guess already, write it down next to clue #3 on your sheet. Either way,
scroll down this page for more information.   
Flashing down arrow 
If you guessed that Uma moved to the United States, you're absolutely right!  Write "United States" next to Clue # 3 on your paper if the words aren't there yet. 
Here is a map of the United States:

  New York, the state where you live, is colored in blue. It is in the northeastern United States.
New Mexico, the state where Uma lives, is colored in yellow on the map above. New Mexico is on the other side of the United States, in the  southwest.
Uma sees many lizards in the state of New Mexico, and they remind her of living in India. To read what she has to say about lizards, click here and read the one paragraph next to the lizard picture.
Close the website and go on to Clue #4 when you are done reading the lizard paragraph.

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