Clue #7:
Advice: Even though not everything you write will be published right away, Uma Krishnaswami reminds us that there are so many reasons to ______ _______ !
The first missing word is the opposite of "give away" and starts with the letter "k". The second missing word starts with a "w" and is what you are doing when you are getting your stories down on paper.
If you have guesses already, write them down next to clue #7 on your sheet. Either way, keep scrolling down this page to find out more!
Uma Krishnaswami suggests that we keep writing. Add the words "keep writing" to your detective sheet if they're not already there. She has taught writing workshops to both adults and children and visits many schools to talk about writing. She even discusses the importance of writing on her page for young writers. Click here to get to the page, then read her paragraph directly above the cat photos. Close the website and return to this page when you are done reading the paragraph.
Great job so far detective! You have learned so much about Uma Krishnaswami and about being an author! You've also learned a little about India along the way, although you will learn even more about India's land, people, and culture by reading Uma Krishnaswami's wonderful stories that are set there. You just have one more job left in this lesson, so please go to the "Mystery Message" page to find out what it is...