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"It's the time ya get it together-
   A fine presentation for ya sister and brother!"
Okay, so by now you have gathered information that answers your questions.  Its time to first decide which three cars are your top choices for purchase.  Make sure that you can give three reasons from your research that explain why these are your top three picks.
Next, consider which car would be the absolute best choice for you based on the answers to your questions.  What are the five most important reasons from your research answers that lead you to this choice?  Make sure you pick reasons that are meaningful because you will need to defend your choice at the conclusion of your Power Point presentation.  
Now it's time to get busy making your Power Point presentation!  Use the reasons that you have identified to create the content of the slide presentation.  You will need to include images of the vehicles that you are considering.  Remember to use EasyBib to cite the image sources as well as the written sources.  Click on the smiley face with shades on for a Power Point planner that you may print and use to plan out your Power Point before you get on the computer (believe me, this will make it much easier to create your Power Point). 
The final presentation should have six to seven slides all together.  The first slide will contain the title of your presentation and your name.  Slides two, three and four will contain three different vehicles with three different reasons listed for each about why they are your top choices.  Each of the three slides must have a picture of the vehicle included on it, too.  Slide five will be your final choice; the car you would actually buy.  It should list five meaningful reasons for being your final choice and a small image of the vehicle.  Your sources will be listed on slides six and seven.  Again, use the information that you recorded in your citation information and notes table and go to the EasyBib site.  
To find out the what is expected from you, please click on "FIFTH"
in the menu to the left.  The rubric for your Power Point presentation will be listed.  Read over the rubric carefully.  It will tell you exactly what is necessary to receive each of the possible letter grades (A-D).  If you have any questions about the rubric please do ask the school library media specialist so that you can be clear.


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