Create Builder
Find Your Ride at The Library!
Rap and Roll
Rules of the Road
Quick Directions
BuILder creator: Stacey Greene Wicksall
Grades: 7/8
Date of Creation: June 16, 2007
This buILder was created to grab the attention of the students, add relevance to the research project, build confidence in the students and leave them with a sense of satisfaction knowing that they can, in fact, successfully use research skills to make well-informed consumer choices.
The rap is adapted from The Big6TM  and an introductory lesson to learn and discuss the rap would be implemented before engaging students in this buILder.  Rap is a great way to get their attention because it is so familiar to many students.  Also, putting the steps to a rap beat helps kids remember the steps in a fun and non-threatening manner.
The topic for research used in this buILder is of great relevance. Buying a car is an experience most likely all students will eventually face.  Besides this, many students begin dreaming about buying and driving their own car when they are around thirteen or fourteen.  It is a natural topic of interest and excitement!
The students will gain confidence using the steps because the project is chunked into steps that can be managed.  Also, the use of advanced organizers, inclusion of resources and use of the rap couplets should lead students to better understand how to initiate the steps involved in the process of research.  Once the students complete this project they will have the confidence to tackle other research projects. 
Finally, the students will gain satisfaction by creating well-researched Power Point Presentations.  If satisfaction is not gained at the end of this project, they will have an opportunity to reflect on why.  They can troubleshoot solutions to any problems encountered and be prepared for the next project.  Also, students scoring below a C are asked to meet with the school library media specialist.  This is for an open discussion that allows the student to express frustrations and/or weaknesses. The school library media specialist gains a chance to refresh the student on any particular skills indicated by the student.  If possible, the student may be given the opportunity to revise the presentation in order to further practice research skills and, at last, gain satisfaction in the project.  

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